Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Rose Stoilov-Mah

This is Rose Stoilov-Mah as I met her the other day at a local art event. Her father is a Russian poet descending from a long line of the Stoilov counts, all of them poets or officers or both. Her mother is mathematician born in Taiwan.
From her dad Rose has the scorching curiosity and blazing imagination, from her mom she has the logical thinking and passionate tenacity. This makes her an extremely successful and sought after researcher of all things modern art. 
Rose told me about an wondrous thing of a few nights ago, she did not think it was a dream, she felt it really happened to her. She went to bed, was fast asleep and then she suddenly awoke and sat up. She saw herself in the mountains of Central Asia many thousands of years ago - she didn't know how she knew but she could tell it was so. People everywhere were unhappy, fighting all the time killing each other. They were communicating with grunts and shouts and threats, always hands on their daggers. Then, Rose looked up and saw a young girl in a blue dress coming down the mountain smiling with a bright red flower in her little hand. She would walk into a village, find a child, tear a petal off her flower and give it to them. Miraculously her flower would grow the petal back and the petal she gave away would become a full red flower. The children would then walk into other villages and give out petals themselves in an growing avalanche of joy and bliss. Wherever they went people stopped fighting and started smiling and talking to each other, embracing. Rose was floating above the lush green Fergana Valley following the light ... While Rose was telling me her story, she was smiling the most serene of smiles. When I asked if she knew the name of the flower she looked up and said in a dreamy tone "I believe they called it Sevgi"   

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