Monday, 2 March 2020

Yun-Lin and the Oscar

This is Chen Yun-Lin and his two sons, Patrick and Avery, as I met them at a poker tournament downtown. He is ranked 25,052nd in the world and #319 nationally with life-time winnings of $2,894. We went for tea and ice-cream and he told me his story. Years ago,  in his native Seoul, he was a bright economics student active in the "Wild Strawberry Movement". After graduation, he came to Toronto and was hired by a major investment house. His boss, Bob, was a jerk and a bully and a liar who made everybody's life miserable. In his domestic life, Bob was uxorious; his wife Evy was famous for her awesome physical beauty and fierce, ferocious jealousy. One day, when they went to see a client, Yun-Lin planted a pair of sexy panties under the seat in Bob's car. An enormous scandal ensued both at Bob's home (where Evy broke Bob's nose with a bottle o Chablis) and at work where the truth somehow came out and Mr. Chen was fired (he went back to Seoul). Over drinks with his old university buddy Bong Jun-Ho, a struggling screen-writer, Yun-Lin talked about Toronto and told the story of the planted panties. While in Korea, Yun-Lin met Ran Chae-Won, a dazzling and successful graphic designer. They and fell in love, got married (Jun-Ho was the best man) and moved to Toronto where both found good jobs, bought a house and had two kids. Recently Jun-Ho, by this time a successful moviemaker, came to visit and to show off the Oscar he won. They had a great time over a huge traditional meal with lots of drinks and talked about the old days when they were poor and how well they eventually did (Yun-Lin and Chae-won didn't have the heart to tell him they haven't seen any of his movies). Jun-Ho kept laughing and pointing to the Oscar saying that Yun-Lin owned a piece of that. After Jun-Ho left to catch the red-eye to LAX, Yun-Lin asked his wife: "Do you have any idea what he meant about me owning a piece of his Oscar?"   

1 comment:

  1. while reading your entry, I knew I have seen that in a movie....As I finished, I felt somehow secretly involved in the piece of Oscar. How that?
