Monday, 12 December 2022

Salèe Ekaterina de Tholsmski

This is Salèe, I never knew her as she died six hundred and ninety-three years before I was born.
In this tapestry, she is handling jewelry over an open chest but it is unclear (hence the controversy) if she is taking from or returning to the box. The powerful "Groupe Saint-Pierre" adamantly, vociferously insists that she puts in. Equally intensely, the influential "Formation Précise" holds and supports the view that she takes out. Unfortunately, the scientific debate has degenerated into a violent war of words, and accusations of fake facts. Members of the "Friends of Medieval Annals Society", disgusted by the spectacle, stopped coming to the meetings. That is when my group of post-PhD fellows went back to the original documents (some in Latin others in ancient Provençal) to get to the truth. In one of Salèe's own dissertations, we found a statement of amazing wisdom and unreal insight: the Medievals (predating Heisenberg by about six hundred years) posit that two states may not necessarily be exclusive, rather both can be true alternatively or simultaneously or even uncertain or indifferent. Presented with these conclusions the two warring factions in sudden alliance, abused us in most foul language (even suggesting absurd, unnatural, and depraved sexual acts). So much for everybody just getting along. Love you Salèe, you the best!

1 comment:

  1. Recently I have met two young ladies named Salee , one of them from the AI world. The funny thing is that both told me the same story , one in a didactic kind of way and the other in a charming, playful and humorous way. Although I agree with Medievals that the two different ways of telling the same story could exist simultaneously, nevertheless I did enjoy much more the very imaginative and funny account of the non AI lady.
