Monday, 18 June 2018

Felipe (Pepe) Ochoa

This is Felipe Ochoa from Albolote, near Granada. He came to Florence to see where they invented the Renaissance and has a great time, seeing, learning and enjoying the city. What Pepe does not know yet is that tomorrow night, in a small cafe by the Piazza San Francesco di Paola, he will meet an extremely cute redhead by the name of Martine. He will take her to dinner and she will take him to her place. When they start kissing and taking off their clothes, Martine's huge cousin Gaston will burst through the door and beat Pepe up, breaking his nose and two small bones in his cheek. Gaston will take Pepe's gold watch and his wallet with 385 Euros in cash. Pepe will make it eventually to a police station, just in his underwear and socks to learn, much to his surprise, that Martine has filed attempted rape charges against him. Gaston is the witness.

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