Thursday, 9 August 2018

Aarohi Marjawani

This is Aarohi Marjawani, as I met her a few weeks ago in Florence, she is from Bhubaneshwar and lives now in Berlin. I wish I could, but I cannot say something very nice about her, but neither can I say something very bad. As she told me her story, it turned out it was mostly "just right". She was married to a very talented sculptor who used to beat her badly when he was drunk and used to apologize and promise never to do it again when he was sober. The problem was, of course, he was more often drunk than sober.  Aarohi left him and separated from him legally a few months later. Three things happened another few months later: the artist, to the sorrow but not to the surprise of the art world died, the price of his art shot through the roof, a bunch of creditors, among which the taxman, claimed very large sums of money. The gallery called her saying that all the art in their custody is in her name not as an heir but as an owner (the gallery and the artist were running some tax fraud)  and Aarohi, being legally separated, can tell all creditors to go to hell. She kept a few pieces and sold everything for a surprisingly huge amount. She always wanted long flowing wavy blond hair so she went to had it done, what she got (due to her natural black hair color), was a head of tangled mess of bright orange, which she cut off (the hair, not the head). She had breast enlargement and then had it reversed, then she had breast reduction which she then had also reversed and when she went back to her surgeon he asked if she knew what she wanted, she said she wanted it "just right" ... he told her she just had "just right" and threw her out. Aarohi recently bought an apartment on Dreibärenstraße, in Pankow and is happy.

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