About "people I met" of which all, most, some, a few or none may or may not know that other people I met may or may not read about their stories.
Saturday, 31 December 2022
La Famme Sam
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Line Ninety-Four
Bus Line Ninety-Four goes from Ossington (twenty-seventh most used of seventy-five Toronto Transit Authority subway stops) to Castle Frank (twelfth least used) with an alternate ending at Wellesley (thirty-ninth most used). It spans 3.11 miles (exactly five kilometers). In a rational world Line Ninety-Four wouldn't exist, as connecting two down-town subway stations by a bus line is plainly ridiculous. The only reason for a Line Ninety-Four is that Mr. K. T. Fields (the illegitimate son of the Archbishop of Gaast) wants it. Fields is the omnipotent, mysterious master of the Secret Sudden Start and Stop Society (S-S-S-S-S); they start or stops things just because they can. They used to put things on top of other things but they stopped as they run out (of things) and they also thought it to be, frankly, a bit silly. Now, daily, about thirty nine thousand seven hundred people kiss their butt by buying tickets and listen to bizarre public service announcements.
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Salèe Ekaterina de Tholsmski (AI Version)
The author of what you see below is ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence facility, that I instructed to rework my blog entry in a humorous, old-fashioned style. Inexplicably them changed it to a first-person account. I am happy to hear your thoughts after you compare our respective versions.
Greetings, it is I, Salèe, a fair maiden of yore who passed from this world some six hundred and ninety-three years ago.
In this tapestry, I am depicted handling trinkets above a chest, though it is unclear if I am adding to or taking from its contents. The esteemed "Groupe Saint-Pierre" claims I am putting in, while the renowned "Formation Précise" maintains that I am taking out. The debate has turned vicious, with each side accusing the other of falsehoods. The "Friends of Medieval Annals Society" grew tired of the bickering and stopped attending meetings altogether. That is when a group of post-PhD fellows and I took it upon ourselves to delve into the original documents to uncover the truth. And lo and behold, we discovered a statement of great wisdom and insight in one of my own dissertations: us Medievals, who predate Heisenberg by many a year, believed that two states may not be mutually exclusive, but can both be true alternatively or simultaneously, or even uncertain or indifferent. Upon presenting our findings, the warring factions joined forces to revile us with the most vulgar of language and even made suggestions of the most absurd and depraved acts. And so it goes, when all one wishes for is a bit of camaraderie. Salèe out.
Monday, 12 December 2022
Salèe Ekaterina de Tholsmski
Monday, 5 December 2022
Sept Rue Saint-Catherine
This is 7 Rue Saint-Catherine in Avignon where I spent some time buying shoes. At one of the many long and pleasant dinners with my friends Stephanie et Julien, after the second desert, before the third Cognac, they told the story of how our street got its name. Apparently, on her way back from Vallon-Pont-d'Arc to Siena, city of her destiny, the (not yet Saint) Catherine was traveling under protection. Her protector was the warrior Archangel Michael who appeared at her side and said: "Ç'a va bien, Cat?" He could call her that as he watched her once brushing her teeth. She replied "Oui, et toi, Mitch?" She could call him that as they have known each other for a long time. They walked for a while and then she asked "Perhaps you know, Mitch, what time it may be?". He looked at her perfect face and at her long, slim, graceful limbs and replied "Perhaps, Cat, it may be time to buy a watch". Julien then added that, according to legend, this conversation happened just down the road from us, a place they call Place de l'Horloge.
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
B Flat
This is Nadja von der Vogelwalde (don't bother asking: yes, she is a direct descendant of Walther). The New York Recorder called her brilliant, most imaginative, and the brightest composer of her generation. Her creativity is heliofrenospastic which means that she works non-stop in her mind. At home, washing dishes, walking, running, biking, at the gym, at the store, everywhere and every moment Nadja composes music, she's deep in her current project. So when she sits down at her piano or laptop, the music just comes out complete, ready, and perfect. (Mozart was a heliofrenospast as am I) we don't write-review-re-write-re-review and leave it for weeks or months, no, we have it all. From early on Nadja was first in everything: winning deals, awards and competitions everywhere she went. She also has a sense of scale: no smallish sonatas or three-minute commissions for the local symphony, but symphonies and concertos, large works (like her idols Berlioz and Mahler), she is fierce and fearless, that's how Nadja is. Her favorite scale is B Flat Major (like Schubert's Impromptu Nr. 3 and Bach's Brandenburg Concerto Nr. 6), this and being tall, slim and dark earned her the nickname Clarinet (musician joke, I don't expect y'all to get it). Her favorite meal is seared foie gras on toast with a glass of well-chilled Sauternes. One night when we walked through the city and her stilettos became uncomfortable she took them off ... she B Flat ...
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Helena G.
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Alessia dé V.
This is Alessia the sweetest kid you ever likely to meet: clever, talented, friendly, a delight to hang out with during her recent reenactment of a famous movie scene. Alessia has a secret though, a very secret secret, so secret that she herself, may not know it: she has the innate ability and the psychic qualities to perform the art and science of 'Pataphysics: rare! While normal practitioners study and sweat years to even get close to trying to find imaginary solutions, these chosen individuals are born ready with this superb capability (like a gene mutation, like). Alessia is an intuitive, instinctive and intrinsic practitioner who could build a profile of anything real or imaginary from its smell, texture, color, shape, ideas, impressions, memories and vibes. and then totally own the anything real or imaginary. There are only eight like her in North America and a total of forty-two on the globe some dormant, some awake and functional who scour the world to find their like and activate them. 'Pataphysics has a king called UBU and a prophet called Alfred who walks with a parrot on his shoulder even in low-ceiling rooms. It is said that one may recognize practitioners as they love Wednesdays, all shades of the color green, the number 525 and they are rarely seen eating or drinking but they hate Tuesdays, all snakes and Kohlrabi. Alessia has a cat called Dougie and a dog called Cathy.
Friday, 19 August 2022
Maia Tyddr Isz
Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Glen Ray Jr.
Saturday, 16 July 2022
Renée W

* Romanian sentences made up from vowels only
Thursday, 14 July 2022
Kate, Vinicius von Meerschaum and Jake the Snake
This is Kate, I met her the other day at a theatrical venue. We had coffee and I learned her amazing story I feel I just must share.
Monday, 20 June 2022
Mr. A. O. Katz
This is Andrew Otto Katz, so shy I could only sneak in a picture after our bizarre conversation the other day at "The Corner Bar" on Ossington. When I asked what he wanted to drink he replied:
"Diet Dr. Pepper and Jack,
And Pepperoni sticks, just a small pack"
I asked Mama Cass, at the bar, for my usual and whatever he said (we call her Mama Cass because she weighs 82 lbs. soaking wet, real name Cassia Konarowsky), she asked: "Jack and Diet Coke OK, hon?", to which he:
"Sure, no ice, no slice,
Would sure be nice"
I commented on his instrument: "Nice Tuba", to which he:
"The correct name, my friend, is Sousaphone,
Which is like a tuba clone,
That very much likes to be blown"
I thought he may have Emotional Prosody (compulsion to speak in rhyme) and probably a bunch of other related Ds (PD, DepressionD, OCD, PTSD, and such)
Inquiring of his name I said slyly "I know two Otto Katzes" and he seemed to get it because he replied:
"Feldkurat Otto Katz, my friend, is fictional,
My great-uncle Andrew Simon's use of name, is intentional.
A handsome man, Jewish, Russian spy and gay,
In Prague, in fifty-to they hang him,
After they all got tired to bang him."
We stared into our half empty glasses for a while and Mama Cass, who hears everything without really listening, came around the bar to hug Otto and sing softly in his ear her version of Koko Taylor's "Come to Mama". We all went outside and I asked if he is any good with his Sousaphone. He looked sad, turned and walked away playing softly a barely recognizable "Eleanor Rigby".
I said: "There he goes" and Mama Cass said "And so he blows" we turned to each other in terror: "Fawk it's contagious"
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
Marc Anthony Butcher
I bet, gentle readers, that few, if any, of you remember where you was June 23rd, 1994 at precisely 2:45 PM. I do: in a yellow cab at West 57th and 7th Ave. going to my hotel (Millennium, at 55 Church). In those pre-Uber times NY cabbies only had two subjects: the Mets and poetry. My guy Marc Anthony Butcher (according to his license card) was poetry. Halfway there, about West 14th, we bonded over Bukowski, Edna St. Vincent, Esenin, Dylan Thomas and Mayakovski. A few blocks further south, due to race, creed and general background, we started diverging.
He to me: "Rhyme, optional at best"
Me to he: "Rhyme, nice to have"
He to me: "I am a published author"
Me to he: "I am neither either"
He to me: "Here's my book for you"
Me to he: "Here's ten bucks for you"
He pulled up and the doorman, George (his real name: Gică Sfetcu and he was the former goalie for Textila Buhuși), hastened with the door: "S-trăiți, dom Miki". I paid and tipped Mr. Butcher five bucks.
He to me: "Thanks brother, I have a cat called Mango and a dog called Tango"
Me to he: "Not at all, man. My mom was Chlöe and my sister was Zöe"
M.A. Butcher's books are still in print by YAMOO PUBLISHERS, Brooklyn and his Spoken Word is available wherever you gets your podcasts. In 1999 his books were approved by New York City's Board of Education for use as a textbook for grades 6 to 12.
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Rachel W.
Thursday, 5 May 2022
Lambchop Gitta Stick
I met Gitta in the Wallace-Emmerson park, she had a bunch of seedlings in her hand and a quiet, serene air on her face.
When she was a little girl (she showed me a picture) they called her Lambchop - she was that sweet. Later, in high school she thought, she became fierce. Recently a passer-by commented on the shape and size of her hips. Gitta picked up a stick and poked him in the left eye. Her Worship Suzanna Clarkson-Bolz, of the Ontario Court of Justice, in light of first offence and all that, gave her a stern warning and asked her to plant 108 urban pine trees.
She does have spectacular hips (Gitta, not Her Worship)
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
Many years ago I had a lover. It was an older woman. She was almost twenty-seven. Quite a while later I had another lover. It was a younger woman. She was barely twenty-seven. Our math teacher at Hochwerdershausen Junior High was Frau Zwerg and she was twenty-seven. We learned the the basics of arithmetic. I forgot all my lovers, but I never forget Frau Zwerg, she said that three times seven is twenty-seven!