Friday 6 July 2018

Holger Helgoland

This is Holger Helgoland and his wife Kwee - his name was Hwan Hee until he changed it when he became a US citizen in 1989. He is a very talented and hardworking structural engineer who made Partner in his company until that fateful day of  April 12th, three years ago, when his assistant, her name was Billie-Joe Mcallister, came to work in a shorter than usual skirt and a tighter than usual top - Holger became so distracted that he used the wrong formula in calculations for the Tallahassee-Tallahatchie bridge. Bref: the bridge collapsed three days after opening, the insurance company paid out millions and Holger lost his job. Kwee knows the edited version: they made him the scapegoat because he was the only Chinese on the team, she now spends her inheritance taking them on a trip around the world. Holger still, sometimes, dreams of Billie-Joe and her thighs.

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