Saturday, 14 July 2018

Lidia Bellotini

This is Lidia Bellotini (née Piacentini), she is on her annual visit from Poggibonsi to pray to San'Agata di Caesarea in the church on via San Gallo. The prayer-subject for the last nine years is well-known: it is the anniversary of the disappearance of her husband Gian-Basilio on July 12th 2009. What is not known is that Lidia prays for her soul and continuing protection and Lidia's role in the mysterious vanishing of said husband: she stabbed him in the throat and buried his body in the garden that night when he came home drunk again and hit her again and said he cheated on her again. She told people he went out that night and never came home again. Everybody felt sorry for her, being abandoned, but many thought she is better off without that no-good drunk. Lidia prayed daily at St. Lucchese for the "safe return" of her husband (she felt that lying in her prayer to God is less sin than taking a life and He knows and He guided her to do it anyway). Later she learned that San'Agata is the patron saint of secret killers, that is when the yearly trips began. Lidia lives alone with her old dog Variany (only witness to the "bloody deed" who didn't like Sgr. Bellotini either because he kicked him and who wouldn't say anything to anybody anyway). 

1 comment:

  1. Not entirely true: people of the neighbourhood, including the local carabinieri, suspect Lidia, but they keep silent in sympathy.
