Saturday, 28 July 2018

Yagella, Yagella, Pawòl and Pawòl

These are Yagella (29), Yagella jr. (6), Pawòl (28) and Pawòl jr. (5) from Wrocław, Poland but they live in Alicante, Spain. They drove to Milan for a week's vacation to their Airbnb, in a nice old building just off Piazza di Risorgimento. When you look closer at the Piazza del Duomo, you can see Yagella, she is the tall handsome girl next to Pawòl, the big, athletic guy in the blue t-shirt, in front of them, their two kids. The idea to come in such summer heat to a super-touristic city with two small kids was the worst they had: the kids are, in turn, bored or hyperactive, always want something and when they don't get it, they act up. The idea to come in such summer heat to a super-touristic city with two small kids was the best they had: the kids happy, they hug a lot, laugh a lot, take lots of selfies and pictures and have a great time. You couldn't help noticing a slight contradiction between the two previous sentences, and said WTF, right? The explanation is simpler than you think - it has to do with the sun and the moon and the stars and the way the Universe is put together, but also with the frequency and quantity of PIZZA that you are getting 😃. 

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